An API (Application Programming Interface) allows PayPal software to communicate with your online shopping cart. In order to do so you have to grant API permissions to The Vacation Hub to use certain PayPal APIs on your behalf – no PayPal login necessary.

  1. Log into PayPal
  2. Click the Profile tab
  3. Click My selling tools menu option on the left
  4. Under the Selling online section click the Update link next to the API access
  5. Choose Option 1 – and click on the Grant API permission link
  6. In the Third Party Permission Username search box copy and paste: <insert username here>, and click Look up
  7. Check Issue a refund for a specific transaction and click Add

Please note that PayPal will only allow The Vacation Hub to refund money from a specific transaction back to the initial payer and nothing else. It is designed to work only at your request while using at the appropriate time (i.e. while working with a Booking on the Booking details page).

You can still process refunds by manually logging into PayPal and going the particular transaction that you want to refund money from.

Posted in: Payments and refunds

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